💦🐕Dog Days of Summer at Nordstrom Ala Moana Saturday, June 10th
Aloha, It's Dog Days of Summer and time to cool down your pooch with our Minicle Micro Bubble System you can use it inside or outside so simple check out the video on how you can save money, time and get results! We will be featuring:
This Saturday - June 10th Nordstrom Ala Moana, Level One from 11-3 pm. Dogs are always WELCOME at Nordstrom.
Cocojor Eco-Friendly Minicle Micro Bubble System."HEAVEN" and "ANGEL" machine display to ask questions.
Minicle Micro Bubble System 💦🛁 Cocojor Collaboration with Phiten Infused Products🌿 🧁🚿 Muffins and Shower Head Cocojor Spaw Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner🧴🛁🐶 Cocojor Award Winning Cooling Vest! Check out the video Click Here If you can't make it just book a Discovery Call to learn how you can be in CONTROL of your overall skin and water health inside and out! CLICK HERE TO BOOK APPOINTMENT or call us at 808-592-3647 (DOGS), www.cocojor.com ↓↓↓More details below↓↓↓ Learn How Minicle Micro Bubble Session works! Seeing it to Believe it. DOG OWNER LOVES IT SEE WHY! CLICK HERE TO WATCH! What How Old Skin Turn to ♥️ HEART
- Interest FREE
- Pick your machine or course of your choice
- Access to Cocojor private in-house finance subscription. Each month we will automatic withdraw from your credit card on file.
The Itchy and Stinky Dog Guidebook
If you are ready to find out how we can help you with your issues on dog skincare. Give us 15 minutes for your FREE consultation to discovery the WORLD of difference for the Itchy & Stinky Dog! All Natural and Organically done by YOU!
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