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🐶🦠🚨 Warning Dog Respiratory Disease BEWARE!

#canine #dog #dogdetox #naturalremedy #pooch dog mystery cough dog mystery illness dogmysterycough dogmysteryillness Nov 24, 2023

Recycle Water & Electricity

WATCH - Beware of these shots!

Aloha ,

Hey Gang! Wanted to share with you the email I got from my veterinarian in Los Angles on the latest outbreak virus that is going around that could be very potential in dog death.

Cocojor will be visiting Veterinary clinics to help with preventative care for your pet by using our Minicle Micro Bubble Bath system....stay tune! 

Get your own Minicle Micro Bubble System now for the best natural preventative care for the whole family including your beloved pets.

Dear Dog Owners:

 Over the past several weeks, Los Angeles Veterinary Public Health Program (VPH) has received multiple reports of dogs experiencing an acute onset respiratory disease of unknown etiology. Similar outbreaks have recently been described in both Oregon and Colorado. There are news reports of similar outbreaks in dogs other states over the past two years.

A veterinarian in the San Fernando Valley recently reported seeing several dogs with cough and pneumonia that was not responsive to treatment. In September, there were reports of outbreaks of dogs with moderate respiratory signs and negative PCR respiratory panels in the Malibu, Pacific Palisades, and El Segundo area associated primarily with boarding and day care facilities. Canine Respiratory panel PCR testing and additional testing for avian influenza and well as SARS-CoV-2 were negative.  The outbreak appeared to stop, and a cause was not determined. Clinical signs were mostly mild to moderate with a few severe cases.

In Oregon and Colorado in recent weeks, there are reports of dogs becoming ill with respiratory disease of an unknown cause, primarily after visits to group settings for dogs. Coughing and other clinical signs in some cases last for several weeks. In other cases, dogs become ill rapidly, needing hospitalization.

So far during these outbreaks, there are no reports of similar illness in other animal species or in humans.

Cases of Atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Diseases (aCIRD) is currently defined as the canine respiratory PCR test panel on the dog being negative, PLUS the dog having one of the following clinical scenarios:

  • Chronic mild-moderate tracheobronchitis with a prolonged duration (6-8 weeks or longer) that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.
  • Chronic pneumonia that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics
  • Acute pneumonia rapidly becomes severe and often leads to poor outcomes in as little as 24-36 hours.


  1. Isolate sick dogs at home for 28 days part the first onset of illness, minimum, and isolate them when hospitalized.
  2. Quarantine exposed dogs at home for 14 days to monitor them for clinical signs.
  3. Maximize ventilation.
  4. Remind dog owners to keep their dog home, away from day care, boarding kennels, grooming facilities, and dogs parks, if their dog is ill for any reason.


It is highly suggested to keep dogs away from dog parks, boarding and day cares for now until this new outbreak resolves. 


K. Nassi, DVM

Owner and Medical Director


 Cocojor Pop Up for this Saturday Nordstrom Ala Moana

Saturday - November 25th Nordstrom Ala Moana, Level One from 11-3 pm.  Dogs are always WELCOME at Nordstrom.

Cocojor Eco-Friendly Minicle Micro Bubble System."HEAVEN" machine display to ask questions.   

  • Minicle Micro Bubble System 💦🛁
  • Cocojor Collaboration with Phiten Infused Products🌿 🧁🚿 Muffins and Shower Head 





  • Cocojor Spaw Collection - Shampoo and Conditioner🧴🛁🐶
  • Cocojor Award Winning Cooling Vest! Check out the video Click Here

If you can't make it just book a Discovery Call to learn how you can be in CONTROL of your overall skin and water health inside and out! CLICK HERE TO BOOK APPOINTMENT or call us at 808-592-3647 (DOGS), 

  ↓↓↓More details below↓↓↓ Learn How Minicle Micro Bubble Session works! Seeing it to Believe it.


Recycle Water & Electricity



During this recession we all need to help one another! Cocojor NEW In-House Finance Program "Loan and Learn Program" maybe a way for you and your Itchy & Stinky Pooch to enjoy this benefit.

  • Interest FREE
  • Pick your machine or course of your choice
  • Access to Cocojor private in-house finance subscription. Each month we will automatic withdraw from your credit card on file.

Schedule now for a One on One to learn more about how you can own Minicle Micro Bubble System!








Click here to sign up for the FREE Guidebook

If you are ready to find out how we can help you with your issues on dog skincare. Give us 15 minutes for your FREE consultation to discovery the WORLD of difference for the Itchy & Stinky Dog! All Natural and Organically done by YOU! 

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