๐ถ๐What is Titer Testing for My Pet?
Jan 26, 2024Aloha,
Mahalo for your support at our Cocojor Pop Up we will keep you informed about our future Pop Up. Looking forward to seeing you at Nordstrom Ala Moana in the near future!
Had a great talk last weekend with the management at Nordstrom and supported 100% with the Nordstrom decision on this situation. Please keep on supporting Nordstrom Ala Moana Pop Up and support small business, they are still dog friendly. Only thing change is that Nordstrom is taking a break with pet pop up to reassess the matter throughly.
I will keep on giving tips through our newsletter blog while I travel. Click here for Cocojor Blog. Since it's the new year and people have been more than ever questionable about over vaccinating their pets. Many people are traveling and moving to different States and Countries.
Why is titer testing not well known?
Vet clinics certainly do not advertise it. Do you know about titer testing?
I was surprised how many people had never heard of this testing when I was talking about getting my dogs for titer testing. They would look at me and say, "You're doing WHAT with your dog?"
I am pro vet care and pro-vaccine, but I am not willing to do things to all my dogs that are unnecessary, such as over-vaccinate. A titer is a blood test that looks at your dog's current immunity to the diseases they have been immunized for in the past. It is possible your dog may have enough protection from the vaccines he/she was given as a puppy years later. It is a simple procedure in that you go to the vet, have your pup's blood drawn, and wait for results which may vary from five days or two weeks depending on the lab.
Talk to your vet to see if they perform a titer test. Not all veterinarians are open to this procedure. I recommend finding a vet who will honor your request. It may be that your vet performs the test but simply does not advertise it. I know that was the case for me. I called my vet to see if they knew anyone in town who performed the test while I was living in Los Angeles. I was totally surprised they said they did it right there in the clinic and would send it off to the lab. Who knew? It pays to ask the questions.
State requirements vary from state to state. Titer results may not be recognized, so it is best to check your state's specific laws. Hawaii is the only state that is rabies-free. It is important that we maintain that status. The introduction of rabies would have dire circumstances, not only for public health, but would have an adverse effect on Hawaii's unique ecosystem, tourism, as well as local lifestyle.
What immunities can a titer test find?
Titer testing is currently available for rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus, and adenovirus. However, most U.S. states require proof of regular rabies vaccinations, so it’s best just to re-vaccinate regularly for rabies (usually every three years), rather than invest in a titer test. Although there are vaccines for other illnesses, like canine influenza, accurate titer tests for these vaccinations aren’t currently available.
Are there any limitations to titer testing for dogs?
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) vaccine guidelines say that a titer test in pets is an appropriate way to check for immunity to parvovirus, distemper, and adenovirus. However, it is not recommended for canine leptospirosis, bordetella, or Lyme disease because these vaccines only provide short-term protection.
Rabies vaccines do provide long-term protection, and the titer tests for rabies are also considered to be a very accurate measure of immunity. However, vaccination against rabies is mandated by law, and unfortunately no state in the U.S. accepts titer test results in lieu of vaccination history. So, if your dog bites someone, they will still need to be quarantined, even if a titer test shows they have immunity. Specific types of rabies titer tests are used, however, when moving to rabies-free regions or countries (Hawaii, Japan, New Zealand, and Great Britain, for example). In this case, the rabies titer test will help qualify a dog for a shorter quarantine.
Which I have done with my dogs traveling back and forth from Hawaii to Los Angeles.The titer test cost me about $150 to have done in Los Angeles. I understand this can be quite a fee for some people, and it is cheaper to vaccinate. However, in the long run, it might not be. Over the years, the cost of regular vaccinations has added up to more than $150, especially when tacking on a wellness exam each time. I am grateful that, regardless of cost, I am able to afford the test so that I can monitor my dog's immune system and keep them around for as long as possible.
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What, exactly, is involved in titer testing?
A “titer” is a method of measuring antibodies in a blood sample for specific diseases. Your vet will draw a small amount of blood and then run that blood through the titer test. Titers are usually expressed as a ratio — if the titer number is high, it means that your dog has enough antibodies to fight off that specific disease and is considered to have immunity from infection. For many of our dogs, that immunity is the result of a previous vaccine. However, immunity can also develop because a dog had the disease in the past. Either way, a high titer means your dog is protected.
If the test shows a low titer, your dog may not have immunity. They may still have some protection, but usually a low titer means that you and your veterinarian should discuss revaccinating.
While vaccinating your dog is critical for protecting them (and other dogs in the community) from infectious diseases, over-vaccinating can also be a real concern. Titer tests for dogs can eliminate some of the guesswork about the effectiveness of your dog’s yearly shots and help you and your vet make the best healthcare decisions for your dog.
Is titer testing right for your dog?
Along with using titer tests to check for immunity to parvovirus, distemper, and adenovirus in a previously vaccinated adult dog, titers are also a good option for a newly adopted dog whose vaccination or health history you may not know.
In addition, a titer test may be used to make sure young puppies have responded to the initial vaccine series and are fully protected. If a pup did not respond, the vaccine may have been compromised, the mother’s immunity may still be active, or the dog may be a non-responder (meaning they will not have an immune reaction to vaccines). Your veterinarian can help you decide on the best course of action if your dog does not have an acceptable titer.
On the flip side, titer tests are a good option for senior pets, for whom vaccinating can be unnecessary (if they were effectively vaccinated as puppies and developed an immune response) or riskier, because of compromised immune systems and/or chronic diseases.
Another place titer tests are gaining momentum is in shelters, although with a much different goal than when used with individual dogs. There, titer tests are being used to help separate low-risk and high-risk dogs and cats during a disease outbreak. Shelter dogs who have a high titer to the outbreak disease — meaning they are at a low risk for infection — can be separated from the higher-risk animals, and they may be considered adoptable
Too much vaccination so what exactly is titer testing and why the controversy?
Once again a titer test is a laboratory analysis that measures the level of antibodies in the blood, as well as the existence of bacteria or disease. It is used to determine if a dog is immune to a virus or whether they require vaccination for protection. Essentially, it helps reduce the risk of over-vaccination.
Sounds wonderful, right? Sure, but historically there have been some concerns about this type of testing. For example, not all canine diseases and infections are tested for—kennel cough is one of them.
There’s also the fact there’s been some uncertainty over whether the results are a good measure of immunity.
For many pet owners, the decision around whether or not to titer test is based on weighing up the pros and cons. As pet professionals, something to assist my clients to understand all the positives and negatives.
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